I have another GIVEAWAY ~
Okay, so I'm going to be gone from blogland until July 9th. I painted the tray with a hydrangea, rub-on butterfly and thought I'd give it away since I'm going to be tied up with things and won't be bloggin' for a while. Leave me a message on this post and you'll be entered into the drawing. I'll have one of my darling sons pick names from a basket on July 10th ~ so make sure you check back. If you don't have a blog/typepad, etc. leave your email address in your comment so that I can get a message to you. This would make a very cute dresser tray, or hung on the wall (the back is covered in felt so it won't scrath).
Here are some other things I've been up to ~
two of my students - Kim and her daughter Stephanie had their first craft fair today. They had already taken a special order and were working on a personalization for a customer that purchased a welcome sign when I arrived! Their merchandise was awesome and they were using their time wisely and painting while sitting there. AWESOME job ladies ~ hope your day was worth it!

Stephanie (daughter) and Kim (mom)

I've also been painting roses again and this time roses and pansies. I painted this for a friend that I will see this week and I hope it fits into her decor. I'll share more about the other things I've been painting and post pictures on the 10th - can't do it now as it will spoil the surprise.
Have a fabulous 4TH of July! I'll hopefully be able to sneak some time here and there to read up on my favorite blogs out there! Please make sure you leave me a comment ( I know some of you lurkers don't know how - just click on the anonymous button after you write your comment, and don't forget to put your name)!!
BE thankful for the men and women serving our country today and past so that we can have the freedoms and independence that we have TODAY! Ciao!
Thanks for the pics of Kim and Stephanie. That was sweet of you to support their first craft fair. Looks like they did a great job! Love those roses on that runner. Your friend is very lucky and I am sure she will just love it! I can't believe you are leaving just as I am getting home. We really need to plan our lives a little better, huh? Have a fun trip. I will take care of things while you are gone and hopefully we can spend sometime together when you get back! Be safe and blog if you get a chance. Love, Terry
Don't sign me up for the drawing. I never win anyways.
count me in. looking forward to your visit. Maybe I could pay the boys to pick my name. hehe
Okay, Mr. Don, I know you want this tray for your dresser ~ so you are getting signed up whether you like it or not!hehehe.
Can't believe you are moving my friend away to another state way up north - boohoo but I know ya'll will be down south often cause that is where your HEARTS are!
We'll miss ya!
Beautiful tray! Scott maybe be doing a tdy down to WR~ which I may join him, so I will have to sign up for a class!! Enjoy your trip! ~Lynette
Sandy, Thank you so much for coming to see Stephanie and I in Macon yesterday. We had several friends say they were going to stop by but other than our family not many did. I believe you brought us good luck because it really picked up just after you were there. We had LOTS of compliments and I enjoyed introducing you as my art teacher to our new friend next to us at the fair. It really meant the world to us and the sweet little gift you brought us was not necessary but so-o-o-o appreciated! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!! I love the tray and though I'm with Don, I never win, enter me anyway. If I don't enter, I'll never win!!!! Your roses are beautiful as always. I know I'll have withdrawls for the next 9 days while you are gone and away from your blog but I hope you have a wonderful trip and be safe. Give Linda a big hug for me! Hugs ~ Kim
I love everything you paint. Hope you do something with bumblebees soon!!
Have a great vacation and Linda's idea of bumblebees sounds interesting.:)
Hi Sandy, I love your new roses. But I'm here to sign up. So sign me up to win.
Have a great holiday.
Hi Sandy! That tray is gorgeous! You are so talented. I already won (and don't want to be a drawing-hog :) so don't enter my name....I wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy 4th and some lovely time off!
Love, Andrea
What a beautiful tray! You did a wonderful job! *HUGS*
Yes, enter my name please.
Hope you have a wonderful trip! Love the tray you painted and the roses and pansies!
I need help with the Wispy Rose. Mine doesn't come out right.
You are too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!!!
In Christ,
Enter my name please! Gosh, it's gorgeous!
Ooooh, please sign me up. I love your beautiful designs and this one has my favoite items; hydrangea and butterflies. I would love to take some of your classes. I have never painted, but I would love to try and make things for my home. Thanks.
Hi Sandy, Please sign me up..I just love all of your paintings and would be proud to own one...
Hope you had a great holiday!
I miss my teacher. :-(
I'm waiting for that drawing. Also can't wait to read about your trip to Nebraska. Hope you all had a great time. Love the roses on the runner! Looking forward to seeing all the things you made for your friend in Nebraska and pictures of the retirement.
Love, Mom
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