(my sweet, precious GOD DAUGHTER)

and Jackson (twins) with big sis ~ Emma

This picture really does say it all ~ they are looking at HER ~ cause she is an absolute RIOT. I know that she will do theatre when she gets older and possibly become a huge movie star! She is one of the most expressive little girls I have ever known! When we were out there visiting last summer she had the boys and I in stitches the entire week with her quips, jokes, and cute as pie laugh. They have the greatest parents as well ~ I tell their mom all the time to start a BLOG. She is the most creative writer and I know she'd entertain us all ~ hint,hint ~ nancy.
We are going to NE to visit them again this summer and can't wait to hug on all of them.
Gotta get ready for my painting classes today!
Have a great weekend.
They are ALL cuties! Thanks for sharing! Getting ready for the big wedding today. Wish I could be at two places at once and paint with you today! Hugs ~ Kim
dear sandy, this is emma...we are looking forward to your visit and we want to give you a very special kiss and we need you to come soon...and bring ALL your guys, too! we are getting too bored without you all...i am looking forward to having a big celebration of your return...maybe we will be able to swim and have a tea party, too! miss you, thinking of you and bring your paint brushes, too!
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