More roses ~
Taught my last class for June last night and will not have any classes until July 16th. I have 10 classes in July and all but one are FULL so it's gonna be a busy month. Some have waiting lists and a couple have over the number I usually limit my classes to but they are gonna be so much fun and like I said I have such a hard time telling people NO ~ cause I want them to learn and I love to teach!
So, here is the tray I painted in class last night. Ellen won the tray (her first win since she's been coming to classes) It is just a bit smaller then the one she painted so they fit nicely together.

Lynne ~ this was her first class with me.
Lynne works at HL and it was so great that she was able to take a class. She is so sweet and always has a smile on her face. She works in the frame department and I try my hardest to get my ladies over there to get their canvas framed after class.
What she didn't tell me is that she is an artist. She brought pictures of things she's painted (GORGEOUS) but said she has always struggled with roses. She did a beautiful job and signed up for another class.

Kim ~
Bless her ~ she rushed to get to class after spending the afternoon in at med stop with her husband. He broke his hand the night before and after it hurting through the night he took him in to find out it was in fact broken.
She came right in though and grabbed her brush and painted these new style roses beautifully!
Her and her daughter Stephanie (below) have been painting like crazy, getting ready for a craft fair this Saturday. For those of you that live in the local area (the craft fair is at the Kroger parking lot on Zebulon Rd.) go out and show your support for them!

Stephanie and Connie ~
They both rush from Macon to get here for my 5:30p.m. classes and always come right in , smiling away and ready to paint!
Gorgeous trays ladies!

Miss tanned LISA. She was ready for a drink about half way through class she said - these roses were stressing her out! She did a beautiful job though!

Doriann ~ she wasn't going to let me take her picture and tried to sneak out!!! Her tray is so pretty and like I told all of them - it's gonna take practice to learn this new rose with a new brush that they've never used before (5/8" angle brush).

Ann ~ this was also Ann's first class with me and she drove over 2 hours to take it ~ how awesome is that.
She came up to see her friend Ellen and take the class together ~ she got a bit lost but finally found us and jumped right into class!
So glad you joined us Ann ~ your tray is fabulous!
Ellen's tray - like I've told you before, she hates to have her picture taken so I respect that but insist on taking a picture of her work! Your tray turned out beautifully Ellen!

Still working on the last stages of this special present for my friends. I also have to get some things painted for the local Air Museum auction and get my August paint class schedule worked out as people are already waiting to sign up for classes then ~ I was thinking about taking the month of August off but I don't think I can do that ~ I missed all my student so much after not teaching for a couple weeks and now it will be July 16th before I have another class.
I'm also working on another giveaway piece and will post that early Sunday a.m. so make sure to come back and check it out.
Have an outstanding day!!
What a wonderful post! Art teachers are the best I think. How wonderful of you to share your amazing talent with others. :) That's great!
I have always loved dabbling in art, and would love to take a painting class this summer. You have an amazing talent for painting, and I think it's fantastic that you're sharing your passion and your gift for painting with others!
Boy, they are really catching on quick with that rose, huh? Everyone's looks awesome. Can't wait to get my hands on the paint brush and try it myself. I miss you!
Just got home and Hallie Zoe is already chomping at the bit to work on the letter. She is painting it black now. I will take pictures and share with you! YOu went to a lot of trouble for us. Too too sweet! Hope you have a great weekend and be careful! Sure would like a preview on that August schedule :)
Thanks so much for stoppping by my blog. You're always welcome. Thanks too for leaving your sweet comment. You're so right...we have to learn to just give them love and continue to pray for them, but not let their problems become our problem.
I have a confession. I've been a lurker on your blog many times and do so enjoy seeing all your talent. I'll be back again.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your encouraging words always help me when I think I have done the worst job ever.
We are going to miss you til the 16th. But I will be practicing that rose. Have fun on your trip, stay safe and RELAX!
Hi Sandy
I really wish I could take one of your classes. I just adore your work and your students do such a great job. I've been super busy and haven't been blogging much until the last few days.
Have a happy 4th!
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