What can I say but I was all of those listed above today and the day is still not over.
I went to my 4th graders school awards ceremony and we were so excited and PROUD that he won so many awards.
He received many certificates for reading, attendance, etc. and received 4 trophies for the following:
1 of 6 top 4th graders with an average all year long of 95 or above (the genie looking trophy), Highest Average of all 4th graders in Math, Reading, and Language Arts.
This is my sweet (smart) Holland. He is the comedian in our family and keeps us laughing daily with his funny quips and humorous take on everyday things.

Today was my last function as the Officer's Spouse's President. I was so HAPPY to have had a fabulous Board to help me and support me this year and I was SAD that is has come to an end but had a feeling of RELIEF that is was quite an easy year with very few problems/issues ~ usually not the case when you get a bunch of women together.
We had the installation ceremony which was funny, moving, and very symbolic and at the end of it I received these beautiful flowers from the membership. I also received an album with pictures from this past year which was beautiful (given to me at the beginning of the month).

I also won this lovely lantern that looks awesome in my boys bathroom that I just redid with palm trees.
Funny enough I was helping my friend Jamie pull names and I drew my name for this prize and...

that I drew my name out of the bag for this item that was a raffle. At first I felt so bad cause I pulled my name but it's not like it was rigged or anything. I also usually go with the first ticket I pick up in the bag and thought to myself no, I'll drop that and pick another and DREW OUT MY NAME! Unbelieveable and THRILLING! I am way too cheap to spend the amount of money it would cost for this bag and am thrilled that I just spent $5.00 on the raffle tickets to get it.
With all those emotions in one day I'm exhausted and think I'm going to have to go to bed early tonight! hehehe
Have to leave you with this thought though ~ completely out of the mouth of babes...
when we were at the doctors office the other day my oldest asked me
"Mom, what is reptile disfunction?" think about it and have a great laugh! I told him to ask his father (not that he has that issue) OKAY, enough about that subject.
THIS IS MY 150 th POST! Wow!
CONGRATULATIONS, Holland! I know you are proud. Beautiful flowers and awesome gifts! You are a lucky girl! ;o) However, I know how hard you worked and you certainly deserve it! Enjoy your "extra" time. Your little quip was so cute! I had to show Wayne. I wish I could have seen your husband's face and heard his answer when asked the question!!!! See you Saturday! Hugs ~ Kim
Hey...I bet that $5.00 you used for the raffle ticket was my bowling reward! If so, I will take the purse instead...Ha Ha Ha Just kidding! Hugs to Holland for an awesome 4th grade year! See you soon, Terry
What a great post from you. Congrats all around.
We just had our appreciation luncheon for OSC. I took over social treasurer for the second half of the year and found out I'm not really any good at it. I'm so glad I'll be doing publicity next year.
That's so cool you won the Coach purse. I LOVE them! I won a fur scarf/stole thingy from Blingo. That was a first and quite fun.
Congrats to your son for such wonderful awards---you must be so proud! and congrats to you on your winnings, too!
I am enjoying your blog, and adding you to my list. :)
you lucky bunny....love the bag!!
and, geeze...the prez....look at you girl!!!
Hey aunt sandy!! Just checking in! Tell Holland I said congratulations!! Oh and also anytime you would like to rub that raffle ticket luck off on me I'll take it with open arms!! haha! I love you aunt Sandy!
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