Inspiration from Austria and
Lemons ~
When we lived in England we went over to Germany to visit my parents and they took us to Austria for 3 days - LOVED this beautiful city!
We took the boys on the Sound of Music tour which I thought they would be bored with but really enjoyed it.
I loved all the COLORS on the buildings and that is where I got my inspiration when I painted this panel for my mom. She wanted this panel for her windows to keep the sun out now I think she likes it so much that she is going to put it in her office. It totally speaks AUSTRIA to me!
Today in paint class we painted lemons ~

Nicole ~
Okay, I wasn't but I have to.
Nicole came to the door all decked out and beautiful ~ dressed to the 9's. She started laughing and let us know that she couldn't NOT come to paint class but had to leave early to go to a funeral~it wasn't for immediate family thank goodness!
She painted that plate in 30 minutes!
She also won my project piece that was on a blue glass plate (which I forgot to take a photo of). It was probably for the best~ I stopped at the newly opened Starbucks and got a VENTI Caramel Macchiato (SP?) and it sure was yummy but made my hands shake like crazy ~ lesson learned ~ no coffee right before teaching paint class!

Bless her ~ she walks in to class and my first words were ~
"I didn't know you were coming today?!?" Well, she is written on my sheet and I had brought all of her stuff along to paint with but completely forgot that she was coming ~ AND
I'm so glad she did! Your lemon plate is gorgeous and I'm sure it beat whatever you could have gotten done in your yard!hehehe

Alice ~
Alice was so excited to take this class today - she is a painting like crazy and makes amazing gifts for her family and friends!!
Went to a fabulous Vietnamese restaurant today for lunch with my parents. For those of you that have continued to email and check on him he is doing well thank you! We went to Outback tonight and I think I could go until Sunday without eating a thing after eating out two times in one day. Have a great Wednesday!
Very, very cute. You never cease to amaze me. Your ladies did an awesome job on their lemons. Hope you have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend. Hugs ~ Kim
Too funny, Sandy! But Im not kidding you when you need to start a SMOSPA group (Sandy McTier One Stroke Painting annonomous). Nothing comes between me and my painting class. By the way, watched a lady painting on HGTV today named Donna. YOu blow her out of the water!! Really!
I love you!
Your screen is BEAUTIFUL. Wow, what a showstopper.
I love looking at your class pictures. It's amazing to see the talent. I finally have an appointment with the manager of the Arts & Crafts shop. We were playing phone tag for awhile. Thanks again for your advice with that.
Have a good Memorial Day weekend!
That screen is beautiful---you are very, very talented! And, you must be a wonderful teacher, because your students do excellent work, also! I always enjoy seeing their creations.
I hope that you have a wonderful holiday weekend!
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