Do you ever have those days where you think all day long it's a different day than it is?
I had three Fridays this week. All day Wed. and Thurs. I thought it was Friday. Strange! But it's here finally.
Here are some pics of some things I had to get painted before my parents leave tomorrow to go back to Germany. They are for some of their German friends and I hope they like them.
I forgot to take pictures of the signs I did for my 4th graders teachers ~ oh well. Here are two I did for my niece ~ Hannah to give to her two teachers.
Of course, my 7th grader is at the age where he doesn't want to take ANYTHING unless it's food to the teachers or for class. My 6th grader on the other hand is so use to me making/painting something for the teachers that he was appauled when I said I just might buy them Starbucks gift cards or something! How could I?! So, I ended up making cards out of a painting I've done with the state of GA and a peach and peach blossoms on it.
Packaged them up nicely with a big bow on top and sent those off to each of the teachers! Both sons were pleased with that gift and my 7th grader was even more thrilled that I dropped them off at the office to be passed out by the secretary so that he didn't have to bother! Can't say enough how much I am looking forward to summer break ~ some of the things my kids have picked up on this year from school are starting to worry me ~ nothing serious ~ just wanting to wear their pants halfway to shins! Very disturbing sight!

Not sure when I'll have time to post this weekend! Have a fantastic weekend and an even better Memorial Day Weekend.
Here are some photos that I took while in DC this past spring break! I think it's an amazing sacrifice what our troops do for us on a daily basis! Whether you believe with the war or not ~ soldiers present and past should be held in the greatest honor for giving us the freedoms we have today!
Sandy, As usual, you've provided us with beautiful art, giving from your heart and words of wisdom to ponder. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the sacrifices of our military men and women. They are awesome. Wayne and I are attending the Freedom Concert in Atlanta on July 10th and can't wait! Hope you have a great holiday weekend! Hugs ~ Kim
Sandy, I just can't believe how much work you post nearly every day!! You are so busy!
We're back from the beach, so just checking in at all my favorite blog spots.
Happy Memorial Day, Sandy!
Southern Hospitality
great dc pics!!!
love all the work you've been doing!!
and guess what....
it's COLD and RAINY just like you, we are inside (but with the fire on, not the AC.) :)
Yeaaaaaaa!!!!! you did it. Love the banner of beautiful flowers.
Hi Sandy, thanks for the well wishes for my sister Linda. As usual, I love everything you paint. I wish we were closer, I'd take your classes.
You are so talented! I've never been adept at painting, so I appreciate that quality in other people. Those are some beautiful pieces, and I know that they are treasured.
Thank you for the sweet comments...we've spent many a vacation at "kid places". :)They've hit the age now where they enjoy the same things we do. But, I have very happy memories of their being little, and you will, too!
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