We hope you have a fabulous BIRTHDAY!!! Gotta love that big hair!
I wish I had a picture of the cake I made her when they were here. I made a cake, frosted it and covered it with red swedish fish! She got me and my two sisters hooked on those when we were growing up and I just thought it would be funny and it was!
I also haven't posted since my older sister LINDA had a birthday and I had to include these two photos! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY (on the blog anyway)

This is my older sister Linda and her middle son Carson.
I had to include this photo because when I was looking through photos of her to put on the blog I came across this old one of her and I at Halloween (wish I had those costumes today!)
and I thought this was a spitting image of Carson
(minus the hair as my younger son pointed out) but the expression is so Carson.
Me on the left and my older sister Linda on the right (see the resemblence with the picture above?)
ALSO, Happy Anniversary (May 29th) to my younger sister and her hubby!!
Had a good visit with my parents and they left on Saturday to head back to Germany.
After the boys got out of school on Friday (their last day for the year) our family headed up to Atlanta to visit with my sister in law and neice. We took Kendall to his teams soccer game (he still has his cast on so is done for the season) and unfortunately they lost but it was nice to be there and cheer them on. Then we went back to my SIL's house and picked everyone up and went to Atlantic Station. If you EVER visit Atlanta I HAVE TO RECOMMEND going to Atlantic Station. You would never know that you were in downtown Atlanta. They had an Arts & Crafts bazaar going on and we girls went shopping and the boys went to see Pirates III. My husband said that was the most comfortable, cleanest, nicest theater he has EVER been in. This place is like a town within a town. You could live there (small condo $300K's - larger$1mil) and never have to leave for a thing - there are shops, grocery stores and soon to open one of the poshest Target stores I've ever seen (and that was just from the outside). By the time us girls ate at the Cheesecake Bistro and the boys ate all their movie goodies we were too tired and FULL to eat out like planned so we headed back to the house and picked up some KFC for the kids. Had a great night of vegging out and enjoying being with family. Sunday was our day to go to the Atlanta Braves game (the boys got free tickets because of their grades last year). When we woke up the smoke was absolutely horrendous and smelled like there was fire down the street ~ in fact, the smoke was from the fires in southern GA. She lives in North GA and the smoke was just terrible. So, we had breakfast out and back to my SIL's house and then headed off to the game. When we were driving to the stadium (downtown Atlanta) you couldn't see any of the skyscrappers or the stadium itself and decided then that we wouldn't/couldn't stay for the game with my oldest sons allergies. The boys were all fine with the decision and were anxious to get home just like I was!
I love going places but I LOVE being at HOME too! For so many years I was a "goer", had a very hard time sitting still or staying home. NOW, I love being at HOME.
Speaking of home, it's HOT here! Going to be in the mid 90's today and we've not had rain in weeks and doesn't look like we will until possibly next week! Funny how weather works, too much in TX and not enough in GA or FLA. We're on water rationing (we're on a well so not sure if that includes us or not) but growing up on a farm my husband wouldn't even think of watering grass when it might mean the well could dry up and leave us with no water in the house. Guess the peaches will be sparce this year too ~ what didn't die in the mid spring freeze has died from the drought. The peaches here on one of the largest peach plantations in GA are pitiful!
Well, the pool has opened on base and that's where we are headed today! Wish we had a pool in the backyard so we could use it everyday but like I said we are on a well - doesn't make too much sense especially with the summer we are having so far with no rain.
I cannot believe May is almost over! It was so busy though with my OSC stuff coming to an end, participating in the May Basket Swap, family in town, teacher gifts, end of school, etc. Now JUNE! My middle son will turn 12 ~ (he is almost 12 going on 22), I'm going to a painting convention in FLA. and can't wait for that, heading to farm for a visit and have 10 painting classes and will hopefully hit the pool as often as we can.
What cha think of the new blog look/banner? I FINALLY changed over to the new blog version - was too afraid for too long but jumped at it when I saw my blog friend Norah's blog. It is so much easier to do the things I've been asking all my blog friends for so long - how do you make a banner header? Add buttons to the side? Anyway, it will change often I'm sure now that I have figured some of it out!
Have a fabulous WEDNESDAY! Mom, hope you have a FABULOUS birthday!
I love your new look and banner. And enjoyed all your news today.
Thanks for the shout out.
Awesome post with lots of news. Happy B-day to your Mom and I LOVE the old pictures. Your blog looks awesome. I am painting like a crazy woman tonight trying to finish up the wedding gifts for our friends. I painted a welcome sign and water pitcher and 4 goblets so far. I was going to do 8 but I think I'm "peached" out. I've got to stop soon so it'll be dry enough to pack since we fly out tomorrow! We'll see. Thanks for all of your inspiration and guidance. I'll post pics of the wedding gifts when I return.
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