Okay, so I've been in a bit of a funk lately - my friend Christi mentioned picking something inspiring maybe from all these blogs that I surf - and some that I stalk ~ hehehe
AND when looking at Norah's blog lately I remembered that I at one time had painted something by KLIMT ~ I painted this scrapbook bag for a friend in Nebraska. She purchased a huge print and brought it over so I could use it to go by. I LOVED the colors and feeling this painting gave off when I looked at it. I was pleased with the final product (although I would have chosen to paint it on something flat) and my friend really liked it!
The colors are even more vibrant in person! The golds are metallic and really shine ~ the look a bit flat on this picture here.
TO carry on with the inspiration ~ I wanted to participate in this Altered Playing card challenge going on over at Emily Falconbridge's Blog I took my boys spiderman cards that they didn't use anymore and painted them all white - this was the first one and again I took the inspiration from Norah's and KLIMT and came up with this ~
Went to WW today - lost another 2.2 so down 8lbs. total so far. My younger sister long another 5.8 so she is down 18.6lbs. and my older sister is down almost 15! How awesome is that!
Camera card still not working - works in my all in one printer but not working on the Dell printer - I tried a different card and it works on both??? Will hopefully get it worked out this weekend.
OOPS! It's 2 p.m. and my husband just walked in the door - yikes ~ I started washing sheets this morning, started cleaning the bathrooms, starting cleaning out my korean step tansu that holds a bunch of stuff in tons of drawers and got bored doing that and left to go to WW and now I'm on the computer - the dryer is full of sheets, the washer is full of sheets, none of the beds are made, the bathrooms are still in disarray, the stuff from all 20 drawers is all over my living room floor and I feel "caught" I was gonna jump into action after updating my blog but he's home now and what do you think he said? You finish up and I'll get things going for ya! How awesome is this man of mine?!!! He has been dealing with a fragile wife the last couple of days ~ I'll share that story with you later as I really feel I need to get off this computer and start helping! Ciao
klOh Sandy, Inspiration is bouncing around like .... well I can't think of what it is like. I do LOVE Klimt and the bag you did is absolutely out of this worlds. I like that it is on the bag. And just think how much it has probably traveled around and how many compliments your friend must have received.
What a cool idea to use the Klimt theme on your "deck of me" cards. I just this week discoverd that you can actually get playing cards with Klimt repros on them. I thought about ordering some and doing the deck of me on them. But I like your's better. I wanted to do that challenge too but haven't started yet because I haven't settled on the cards. Got some and didn't like them. OH well I might do that today along with a gillion other art plans. Will it be OK if I copy your idea? Isn't that funny? Klimt inspires us all and I inspired you and now you inspired me and no telling who else. That's what I mean about bouncing.
OK I didn't mean to send the e-mail via your comments but I did.
OMG! Sandy, that card is fantastic!!! When inspiration hits you, it hits in a big way. BEAUTIFUL!!! ((((hugs)))) smiles....
Hi Sandy,
It's me again. Blogger forced me to change and now I can't post today. The last post I did yesterday was after I changed. I'm getting really really frustrated. I'm just here to see if I can comment with my new blogger name and pass. Did you have any trouble. I can't get to the dashboard. When I log in, it just sits there. no error message no nothing. yuk
ok that appeared to work. now I'm going back to my blog and see if I can get in. Or I guess I don't have to go back to my blog.
Forgive me for using you're comments this way.
wow - LOVE that card!! terrific projects!!
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