Sunday, February 04, 2007


What an awesome sports day we had yesterday! My middle son had two indoor soccer games to play the first at 11:30a.m. where they faced the second best team. They won 6 - 1. They had played this team once before and lost. Since our boys won they were in the finals which was at 2:30p.m. In regular season they had played the #1 team twice and lost both games.

It was TOO CLOSE for a lot of of moms sitting in the stands. We were up, we were down, we were tied and in the end my son's team won by 1 pt.
That's my son right there in the back (the tallest boy) between the two coaches.

Been painting today getting ready for my painting class tomorrow - we are painting Sunflowers on a glass plate. Have my camera already packed ~ now I just need to remember to use it!
Have a fantastic week!


Cami said...

Congrats to your son for the win! woohoo!

can't wait to see pics from your class tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your son! Check out my blog today...I think your name is there. ;)