Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weekend ART
Woke up this morning ready to CREATE! I went to bed last night at 7:30p.m.
exhaused from a very full day! Here is a run down of my yesterday ~

My Austin woke up and was unable to walk. WHY? The night before he was playing in a basketball game and was tripped up and fell on the side of his foot. It was quit yellow, black and blue and he couldn't wiggle his toes - NOT GOOD. We took him in for xrays and while the X-ray technician told me it was broken the doctor said that she thinks it's severely sprained and there was some soft tissue damage. They wrapped it up and put a nice looking shoe on his foot and recommended that he use crutches (we had some from Steven's knee surgery last year) and my baby is tall enough to use them (my husband is 6ft.2 and my son is now 5ft.71/2 and he is only 12 years old). They sent the xrays to the Ortho clinic to make sure and we've not heard anything different so hoping all is right and well. Then it was off to the car place (I had it serviced earlier in the week) and ever since I drove off the lot my airbag light was blinking at me. Lose wire. All fixed. Then it was off to the base to turn in my sons pain medicine prescription (45 minutes wait ~ so I left) went to Weight Watchers and was thrilled to have weighed in at 5.8 lbs. lighter. My sister lost 10.4 lbs. which is just awesome! Then it was back to the base to pick up the medicine and hit the grocery store (commissary) and then home just in time to unload the groceries, get the boys out a snack and get ready for them to walk in the door. Got my son set up on the couch with his foot elevated with snacks and all so he didn't have to get up. Finished washing sheets, making beds and cleaning up before finally sitting down to watch a re-run of Oprah. I usually don't have time to sit down and watch Oprah cause it comes on around the time the kids are knee deep in homework and needing help and dinner preparation and all is getting started. BUT on fridays we have PIZZA NIGHT so hubby brought home pizza and I ate my veggie soup that I threw together just before sitting down for Oprah.

Painted this plate this morning for my class on Wednesday (24th) ~ Roses.
Hoping it's not too ambitious but most of the students coming have been before ( for those students reading this) feel free to copy this picture and practice your wiggle stroke!

LOVE these HUGE clothes pins. I got this one at Michaels (it was all white) and of course it had to be altered!

Hubby just got home with some goodies that I'm gonna get painting on right now ~ I'll share them with you later.
ENJOY your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Whew, I can see why you are exhausted... I am exhausted just reading this. Hopefully, DS heals quickly. Love the new art...gorgeous as always!!! BTW, huge congrats on the weight loss!!! I love a lifetime member and you can bet I will be right back in there as soon as this baby is born to start all over! LOL! smiles...

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear about Austin's foot. Hope it heals soon! And Congrats on the 5.8 lbs! AWESOME!!!