Friday, August 25, 2006

What a week - oh yeah, it isn't over yet

Anyway, it's been quite a week. On Tuesday my middle son came home to tell me that a kid in his class pushed him up against the wall in PE and worse yet cussed profanities and if that wasn't enough there were 6-7 other kids standing next to him. This kid was mad that he dropped the ball and when he said he didn't and my son said he did this got him angry - (how little it takes huh?) anyway.....thankfully the coach walked in, yelled a bit and asked for stories. Of course the kid pushing claimed a different story than my son (I would expect nothing less from someone willing to get in trouble at school) and they were both sent on their way. Well, Wednesday I was home all day ~ praying!!!! Praying that my son wasn't going to be intimidated or injured by this child. Praying for this child that obviously has issues going on in his life that would cause him to get so angry over something so small. Praying that I didn't have to go to the school and ask why they are more concerned if my child wears a belt (due to school dress code) and since everything in that school seems so controlled why was my child alone in a locker room for even one minute alone? Praying that my child would react in a Christian manner as we've raised him and not hit back, use unkind words, or get suspended because he lost his head for a moment. Well, God is good. Our son came home today to tell us nothing happened or could have happened because this other child hit someone later that day and ended up in in-school-suspension. I'm still praying for that child! and thankful that mine doesn't have to deal with this individual until Tuesday of next week. It's been a good learning lesson for my son as well. We've had a lot of good talks this week about different values and beliefs, different family dynamics and reasons for some things that happen in life. There are other things we just can't explain or know and for that it was another good lesson for us to teach all of our sons that sometimes you just have to turn in over to the Lord.

Okay, enough about that. I worked all week trying to get books in order for our OSC board members that thankfully will be handed over this week!!!! I have a full board now as our last position was filled this week and we had record number "new members" join us at our first function so I know it's gonna be a fun year!

My husband was off yesterday and today and I have to say that I'd LOVE to win the lottery so that he can be home all the time! I know strange huh? But I do enjoy having him around. I guess to win the lottery you have to play and we only play when the millions are up there high and by that time the odds are so against us it's a waste of our $5. Anyway, hubby was off again today (Friday) and when our sons got him he was packed and ready to whisk our middle son off to his first out of state soccer tournament. Wish we were all going but I have to sign my other sons up for bowling tomorrow. The soccer tournament will go until late Sunday so they'll return sometime after 9pm - exhaused I'm sure. Since I don't sleep at all when he is gone I should have lots of things to share with you by Monday ~ if I'm not to exhaused to post! HAHAHA
Like I've said before - what a small world we live in! My husband called me from his cell phone and the person on the other end was not my husband but a friend we had while living in England in 1997-2000 ~ Jill. They live in Auburn now and she was at the desk checking people in for the soccer tournament ~ her son plays for the U13 team there. SMALL WORLD!

It's already started. Since hubby will be gone I thought I start getting some of my paints out, old windows cleaned to get ready to paint, etc. and was looking for something in particular. I wanted to find these wooden knobs that I have to glue on to the back of these old rubber stamps that I have. I hate getting the ink on my fingers when I try to lift up these older stamps so I wanted to glue the knobs on to help me lift up the stamp and stay clean! Instead, I found these basket tie ons that I used to make in my kiln for my friend Jeannie in Nebraska! She is an awesome basket weaver and we collaborated on making basket weave ons and tie ons for the baskets she made and taught people to make in classes and for sale . I wish I had taken one of her classes while we were there in Nebrasks but was too busy with everything else I was doing and I never got a chance to. Anyway, I got them out and started dressing up some of my baskets and here are just a few of them.

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