Saturday, August 04, 2007

I humbly accept this "SCHMOOZE" award
and would like to thank Sandi at the Whistlestop Cafe for giving it to me.

I love her definition and description of it below:

In the south a schmoozer is someone who will 'suck up' in order to be recognized. Here in the blog world things are different. (Thank Goodness!) "This award goes to bloggers “who effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.” Thank you for the award Sandi!

We had to take Posh to the vet yesterday - something decided to bite her on the hind leg and she was not walking on it very well. She was also quite swollen on that side so we took her in and they determined that it was most likely a bite as nothing was broken. They weighed her and she went from 3.2 to 4.6 ~ we've actually had to start separating them at meal time because she will eat her food and then try and push Becks away from his bowl and eat his food as well! The only good part about that is she was getting up under my couch and chewing a bit and now she cannot get under there. In fact, she gets quite mad that Becks fits under there and hides from her. They are the cutest, sweetest dogs. Still very little to no accidents and with Posh being on a steroid based medicine I thought she'd go just about anywhere but has been very good to go to the door.

I've been painting this morning, finished my little Christmas project that popped into my head yesterday, scanned a bunch of photos from when I went to Buckingham Palace the Tuesday after Princess Diana died, our trip to Paris and pictures of the Ritz, tunnel where the accident occured, and Althorp (her childhood home) which I visited on the first week it opened to the public in 1998. There are quite a few so I'll spread them out over the month. Can you believe it will be 10 years at the end of this month that she passed away?

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Congradulations! Wonderful way to describe the award! I can tell you it is very much deserved when it comes to you. Thank you for not judging people. *HUGS*

Michelle said...

Congratulations and you are a high light in the blogosphere!

Linda said...

Congrats sis. You really pour yourself out to your students and to all of us here in bloggy land.
Love ya

Adele said...

Congrats. You certainly deserve an award because your blog is great. Of course you can add me to your blog list and I will do the same with yours. :)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

From one Schmoozer to another~
You do a great job!

Justabeachkat said...

Congrats you schmoozer you!

Poor Posh! So sorry to read about the bite. Hope things are better now??
