Did you hear the screams all the way to your house??
Our Austin tried out for his middle school basketball team this week along with 29 other kids and was among the 13 selected for their school team!!!!
We are so proud of him. We were proud of him for just trying out! This was a big leap for our oldest that is on the quiet/shy side. I think he is misunderstood at school as a bit snobbish because he is so quiet and to himself but WOW! What an accomplishment and again, have I mentioned how proud we are of him?!?!
I have 3 painting classes tomorrow - 18 students total! Gotta get off this computer and get ready for them but wanted to share the good news. Will share photos from paint class with ya tomorrow!
Have a fantastic weekend!
That is WONDERFUL and I share your joy! I remember when our kids made similar accomplishments (as well as when they didn't 'make the team') and the emotions that we shared as a family. Looking forward to painting with you tomorrow. Hugs ~ Kim
Congrats Austin!!!!!
Way to go Austin! I miss getting a hug from him when I would come to your house to visit. I know how proud you are, but have to wonder how you are now going to fit in weekly basketball games with your already busy schedule! LOL
Way to go, Austin!! Keep it up.
Pop Pop and Nana are so Proud of you, AUSTIN. How long is the season? Will you still be playing in January so we can come cheer you on? We will be looking forward to hearing about your season.
Nana & Pop Pop
Uncle Cool says GREAT JOB!!! WE are so proud of you. You are certainly tall enough. We know you are going to do a great job and like your mom said we too were proud of you for even trying out.
We love you and can't wait for the update on the season.
Love ya,
Aunt Linda & Uncle Cool
Great job Austin! I remember how much that means to kids when they make a team or an accomplishment!
I wondered where that scream was coming from :-)
That's VERY exciting news. Congratulations to Austin!
Sandy, I know how awesome that is. My husband was a 7th grade BB coach for years and now he's the principal... I know how hard it is to be selected. Congrats!
WAY TO GO, AUSTIN!!!! You ROCK! I was wondering what those screams were about!
WHHOOO go AUSTIN!! Tell him I said congratulations! Thats so awesome! Love you, Gabs
Wat to go Austin!!! Congrats to Everyone. What fun you will have. Hugs Mary
Congratulations to Austin! I'm sure he'll continue to make you proud...your students are simply amazing
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