Monday Paint Classes ~
Had two fabulous paint classes on Monday.
We painted a really inexpensive welcome sign ($2.47 at Hobby Lobby).
Isn't it cute and so FALL!
The letters were cut out with the Cricut Machine. Okay, last year I thought I didn't have any use for this machine - well let me tell you that I now do and now own one! Thanks N!
I'm addicted to it and have so many ideas now!
Monday morning group ~
Jane ~ Mary Jo ~ Alice
Yes, you might notice that my regular Mon. a.m. student ~ Nicole~ is missing. She is on a business trip with her husband and while he attends meetings all day she is painting, painting, painting.
Mary Jo
Mary Jo also won the drawing and took home the project piece I painted in class.
Monday evening group
I had two drawings last night and Stacia won one project piece that I painted in class
Ellen won the other project piece I painted in class.
CRAFT ALERT ~ Looking for a quick, inexpensive, adorable craft to make for a craft fair or church bazaar? These could not be more simple to make.
Michael's has these adorable rub-ons and this week I believe they are 25% off. They also sell round flat ornaments (these are different ornaments here) but they are round. How cute are these snowmen with only the faces on them. Great thing is you can take a paint marker and personalize the other side with a baby's name, family name, the year, etc.!
I'm creating like crazy for a blog swap I signed up for in July ~ where has the time gone?!?!? I will share those creations with you once I've finished with them.
Have a fabulous tuesday.
Had a GREAT time in class Monday and boy did I NEED some me time! That is one of my favorite projects. You know how I LOVE the welcome signs anyway. Everyone did so good on them. The ornaments are precious. Planning on doing some house cleaning and painting this weekend so I'll post what I get done. LOVE your window in the header! See you Saturday for HD...CAN'T WAIT!!!!! Hugs!
Great ideas Sandy! Look forward to hear from you on my blog sometime! I have, too been crazy busy with blog swaps! But having a blast though!
Thanks for the great ideas! Those are the cutest! Does the face just rub on? So cute!
blessings, kari and kijsa
Such cute, cute things, Sandy! I love that sign and the snowmen are awesome! smiles...
I hope your class knows how much we appreciate their art work. I am truely impressed, Sandy. And the snowmen? Now there is some art maybe even my no talent self could manage!
I love those welcome signs!!! How I wish we were close enough that I could join a class! And the snowman are really just do the nicest things, you know it?
And... my girls and I make ornaments every year for others. Anymore ideas???
Great sign! Love it!
Adorable, as always! Oh how I wish I could be a part of this class!
I love pumpkins...collect them as a matter of fact...and this welcome sign is so neat! Very creative!
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