Today is my nephew ANDREW'S birthday! Happy Birthday Andrew!
Look at those gorgeous BLUE eyes!
I don't see you enough sweet boy!

Also on March 21st my 1st nephew (CHANDLER) turned 14 years old and the only recent picture I could find of him was his football picture ~ but I came across this one today when playing around on my computer and think this is an awesome picture of him and his younger brothers ~ Carson and Cameron.
Look what the mail lady brought me yesterday! The other two amazing items I won in the OWOH giveaway that Lisa over at lisaoceandreamer arranged.

I won this amazing Bunny from MizSmoochieLips
I love bunnies and this one is so vintage looking and so cute! It has a perfect little place in the middle of my table in my dining room and looks so cute with it's eggs. Don't you just love those lashes and that crown!
I got this from Lisa
She was the one responsible for doing the OWOH giveaway ~ awesome idea and gorgeous CROWN isn't it? I've hung it in my paint/scrapbook/art/dining room.

Late last year, my sister-in-law Lynne and I went to an antique store in Harlem, GA and I found these gorgeous Easter postcards. I included the backs of them so you could see the neat writing on some and the post marks.
This one was sent in 1910

This was sent in 1911

This was sent in April 1916

Please feel free to take these postcard images and use them however you wish (some of my creative bloggin friends I'm sure could use and make amazing pieces of ART with them) if you do please send me a picture so that I can see what you did with them!
I finally finished the candle holders for the wedding reception centerpieces that I told you about way back sometime last year. The wedding will be in Texas! The mother of the groom is planning to put floating candles in them which will look lovely!

Sometimes a photo doesn't do something justice. To stand there and see miles of trees in bloom is amazing and only a small bit of it can be captured in a picture.

Thanks to Ellen (one of my painting students). She took and sent these pictures to me! It's amazing when you learn to paint flowers cause you look at things differently and just like she said when she sent these to me - you look at them and say to yourself "I can paint those" and it's true! Just check out my past posts and see the amazing works these ladies are doing just by learning the strokes and practicing!

This nest is in Ellen's backyard - one day she saw it and it was empty, the next day it had 6 eggs in it and then she noticed soon after that that they had hatched.
If this isn't the picture of spring I don't know what is!

Now that I've gotten all the pictures off of my camera card that decided not to work in my all in one printer ~ I can share with you the fun things I won last month in a giveaway by MaryB
I won the pin that she made and for an extra freebie she threw in these fun stamps! Thanks Mary!

I'm planning on spending my Saturday painting all day! Hubby agreed to take the boys to their bowling league in the a.m. and then take the boys to get haircuts, out to lunch and give me some time to catch up on my painting classes for April. I put my schedule out last week for April and already have 51 slots taken out of 66 not to mention the GA tourism board classes that I'm teaching which should be about 24 new people ~ where of course we're painting peaches and peach blossoms.
I'm also working on a collage for my niece and her two friends that went to Nashville with us last weekend to see Celtic Women. I'll share that with you all when I get it finished and scrapbooking ~ someday soon I hope. I really do miss doing my pages and have to find a way back to getting them done! I have too many pictures is boxes and it's driving me crazy that I've done nothing with them. I just wish I had more hours in a day to get it all done ~ actually I wish I wasn't such a procrastinator ~ I do wait til the last minute and am able to get a bunch done in a little amount of time and know that I'd get so much more done if I'd just commit to doing it!
Went to WW today and lost another .8 lbs. so down 13.8 so far. Have to admit a bit of discouragement that it's not coming off quicker but know that it didn't pack on overnight and that if I keep losing it because of a life change and not a quick fix I will keep it off!
Best get to bed ~ I mean it is 9:30p.m. and 30 minutes past my bedtime. I am one person that gets 8 hours at least a night of sleep!
Have a great weekend. I hope to have some things to share with you tomorrow!
Wow! You've been a busy bee! You posted some gorgeous pictures of spring and your family. You also won some pretty neat stuff. I absolutely LOVE the old postcards. They are in GREAT shape for being nearly 100 years old! Didn't people write elegantly back then? Your candle holders are so pretty. Steph is going to want something like that for her wedding. Happy b-day to your nephews. I know you'll have a great day painting on Saturday. Enjoy your painting time...wish I was there too! Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs ~ Kim
you did not have to do that. I can get my own blog for stuff like that. I was just kidding. It was a great post though. I am a bad aunt and did not call Andrew this morning,will try tomorrow. The candle holders are gorgeous. Have a safe trip.
Love Ya,
Hey...can't wait to see what all you got painted today while Steven took the boys bowling! (evil grin)
I had a great morning and loved chatting and sharing coffee. I hope you guys have a great time next week. Enjoy "your boys" because when you get back we are going to be mega creative and get some serious painting done! Becareful driving and take lots of pics! Luv ya, Terry
I like everyones art! But I have to say that Alice is doing a great job! (that's not just because I am her sister). But I do think she is doing great! Thanks for teaching her. I am so proud.
Patsy Wynn
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