We had a great and busy weekend.
Austin, Holland and I went up to the farm for a surprise party for my fabulous sister in law - Lynne ~ it was her 50th!
She is one of the most generous, sweet, caring people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She would bend over backwards to do anything for anyone and I adore her!
My husbands sister Linda ( I adore her too) came over from Atlanta and we took Lynne out for the day ~ antique store, 1810 - an Inn with a winery for a wine tasting (I can't drink wine - yuk) but it was fun to hear the history of the Inn. They were preparing for a wedding and the set up looked just like the outdoor wedding from the movie Sweet Home Alabama - gorgeous flowers and beautiful setting behind the old main house (Inn).
Then we were off to the Mall. Now, my favorite past time about 10 years ago was to go to the Mall. That has changed and after walking in the Mall for a couple of hours I remember why I stopped going. First off, I think things are WAY OVER PRICED! I'm sure the retailers have to pay A LOT to have the space and it surely does get passed on to the consumer. Second, the flooring is made of concrete tiles which on my almost 40 year old feet and back wasn't too comfortable. BUT, it was fun hanging out with my two SIL's.
THEN....we were off to the mexican restaurant where Linda and I knew about 60 or more people were waiting to surprise Lynne. I think the surprise was pulled off and she didn't have a clue or if she did she didn't let on.
After eating several people got up and spoke about what a great lady Lynne is and we were all in tears. She really is that sweet and special!
Unfortunately, hubby and middle son Kendall couldn't go to the farm with us as Kendall had 3 soccer games between Saturday and Sunday. They tied two and lost the last one.
When we got home I started getting all of the my things painted for my upcoming classes this week and now need to work on my laminated worksheets and instructions.
Peaches and peach blossoms.
In my weekend classes we are painting Hibiscus and the sea landscape you've seen me paint on several things ~ I'll share those pictures with you this weekend.
One of my favorite flowers is hydrangea and I love them alive or dried! The gold/copper trailing vines on the left side are again inspired by Gustav Klimt. The butterfly is a rub on ~ it's really glittery but it's hard to tell on this scan.
Wanted to share some pictures that my mom took last year at Easter time in Germany. They really go all out in each village and decorate to the hilt.
Absolutely LOVE and miss that village style living. We lived in a small villages when we lived in England and you really do feel like your are a part of something!
Have a great week! Stop to smell the flowers, enjoy the sunset, give thanks for another day!
Can hardly wait til Wednesday!
Alice J
Sandy - absolutely LOVE your ATCs'...you are so incredibly talented...your site is a daily source of inspiration for me...and i am proud to be your friend!!!!
love, nancy from nebraska
Hey girl! I'm so glad you had a great time this weekend. Your SILs sound awesome! I LOVE the peaches. You are going to have to teach that one when I can attend ... please! The pictures from Germany are GREAT too! I'm so glad you leave comments on my blog. Otherwise I wouldn't know anyone has visited my site! Stephanie has joined our blogworld and I've added her link to my site. She just created it tonight. You'll have to check it out. See you for both classes on Saturday! Can't wait! Kim
love those pictures of germany and LOVE your ATC....so beautiful!!
yikes - I am so behind on my blog reading! You are rockin' the ATC's girl! and that terra cotta wine cooler is so pretty with the grapes painted on it! You are so very talented...
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