Pictures of my from every year I was in school
K - 12.
Let me go ahead and explain the 8th grade photo.
For those that are as old or older then me (40+)
you might remember the perms we used to get where your hair was rolled with the rollers and then "HOT" clamps were placed over the rollers.
Well, the clamps have a time limit for a reason and for some reason they were left on too long. I really should have cut my hair short if not completely shave my head and come up with some story as to why I had to have my head shaved because anything would have been better than this hair at this age!
If you click on the picture it will enlarge so that you can see it more clearly ~ but then again you might not want to - hehehe. They are in order from top, L to R.
HELP ~ if you have children in Middle School will you please tell me whether or not you give your childrens teachers end of year gifts??? I've always done it but DH says it has to stop sometime??When?? and if you do WHAT do you do??
Have a fabulous day.
I think all the photos are adorable - even the short hair. I had a mishap similar to that when I started college - I even went so far as to get hair extensions! A story for another time...
I don't have children but I do remember stopping with the gifts after elementary school.
Loved your photos! How cool to see each year laid out together like that. I don't know why, but I've never done that...wait a minute...yes, I DO know why. I went thru the standard "awkward" phase starting in about 7th grade. And I never grew OUT of it. lol
As to the gifts...I read somewhere that most teachers of students that age don't really want gifts because they get sooooo much stuff like that every year. However, having said that, I must also say I can't imagine anybody in their right mind turning away something YOU'VE made so I'm kind of on the fence with you on this one. Maybe a nice note (with a small handpainted grape cluster or something) detailing how the recipient helped your child to learn that year. That's a gift that shows you appreciate them and it doesn't add much to what is probably an almost overwhelming amount of clutter a teacher must surely accumulate over the years. Then again, I'm not a teacher so I probably don't know what I'm talking about here. lolol
I love your I might have to get our old toys out and take pics of them. I had perms from middle school on...It wasn't until my mid-40's that I stopped LOL.
As for gifts for teachers.., I think I made personalize Christmas glass ornaments in my son's 7th grade year...but he wasn't interested after that, plus it wasn't just for 1 teacher any he had 4-5 teachers throughout the day. Plus he started football and it just wasn't "cool"! (go figure)
What great pics. Umm and I am in the 40+ group that had the perm hair. Mine did not look nearly as nice as yours; no really, mine was a hair diaster and more than once!! :)
About the gifts, we stopped the gifts at middle school.
Have a GREAT eveing,
If that is your bad hair . . . well girl . . . that's nothin'! I'll have to dig up some of my bad perm hair pics and share them with you! You were gorgeous then as you are now, inside and out! As far as teachers gifts, I let the kids decide after elementary school. Sometimes they'd want something for certain teachers that really made a difference. You've inspired me to go down memory lane! I'll see what I can dig up and share. Hugs ~ Kim
Cute photos...ever single one!
As to the gifts...I'm not sure when you should stop them, but I read somewhere recently that teachers don't really want more "stuff", but appreciate things like gift certificates to Starbucks, movies, restaurants, manicures, etc. Things they can enjoy during their summer.
When my children were in school I continued to give gifts all the way through. As I love to bake I would find out what they liked and bake it for them.
I love all the pictures of you...Happy Thursday...Mary
Loved the photos, and I couldn't spot any bad hair day!
You know I was wondering about the end of year thing. I have seen it done here up to A levels ( 18 years old) in a fairly small school where I used to work, and even was given a couple of presents from my own pupils even though I was just an occasional teacher to them! It's really nice to feel appreciated.
Now that son #1 is in high school, one of 1500 pupils, and some 15 teachers ( some subjects have 2 or more!!)it doesn't seem the same... maybe I'll get something to his form tutor, and she will share it with the others.
Anyway, have a great week-end!
I found your blog thru Kelly's Korner by way of your sisters. LOL
First, I love the handtowel that you gave her! Where did you get it? I have searched high and low for cute monogrammed towels but have found nothing that cute!
I am a former middle school teacher and a mother of a 7th grader. I know when I taught we loved anything that we received because it was given in love. With that said, I have to sadly admit that my gift giving has somewhat gone by the wayside. With 8 teachers to buy for these days, yep 8, it's costly when you figure that my other two kids have 2 teachers each (a teacher and an assistant), so that makes 12 gifts.....kinda tough on a smaller budget. So I have started to make things. Like a small set of 6 handstamped cards or a frame that I embellish.......frames are $1 at the Dollar Tree. Something along those lines. Maybe that helps?
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