Saturday, May 25, 2013

Kids Class ~ Seascape
Had a wonderful kids class last weekend ~ we painted this beautiful seascape and all the girls did a fabulous job didn't they?!!  They surprised themselves with how quickly they were able to paint it!


We finally finished out bowling season - I ended up with High Series Scratch, Turkey Queen, our team ended up in 4th place and we got another award that we tied with another team.
I painted my two teammates Debbie and Jackie slate welcome signs as a thanks for putting up with me this season! lol


Inspiration Blocks - I've been creating these inspiration blocks and hope to have them on the website soon! They are small little gifts that add a touch of inspiration throughout the home and I love em!!
Nicole and I will have more of these at our Mistlestoe and Christmas Made in the South markets this coming holiday season.

Have a blessed day!!

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