First, our puppies! Posh & Becks
We had another scare ~ let me just start by saying we've thrown on bones/rawhide treats away. I bought a big dental bone that is supposed to be good for their teeth and gentle on their tummies and and well Becks decided to bite off a chunk way to big and proceeded to choke on it. I stuck my finger down his throat and that didn't seem to work. He rolled over on his back and things looked that they were all about to give way (if you know what I mean) and I picked him up and shook him a bit. This obviously dislodged anything that was stuck. I tried to stay calm but do think that I paniced. My husband wasn't home to help, two of my boys were in the kitchen watching the whole thing and I didn't want our dog dieing in front of the boys like this.

We had such a blast at the Mistletoe Market the weekend of my birthday. Thank you all so much for the visits to the Market to see me and all my blog friends/familiy for the sweet birthday wishes. You can check out more pictures here
or click the big button to the left.
Our only regret is that we didn't take photos of all of our merchandise. We had some awesome stuff and a lot of it sold before we got to take photos of them ~ especially the fabulous ornaments that we personalized for FREE!

Any of these items can be special ordered here:

I saw a pillow at J & J's blog and it inspired window!

3 Nutcrackers painted on an old cabinet door.
Long cabinet door made into chalkboard! I loved this cabinet as did Nicole and both of us said that if it didn't sell we wanted it in our kitchen. Well, it sold ~ but since we have more cabinet doors in this style we can paint more!
I've really neglected posting pictures from my classes and to my students and their families that look forward to seeing their pictures.
Glass painting - Poinsettia
Corncucopia Class
Holiday place mats
I had originally planned to paint this on the same canvas cloth that we painted the wall hangings on but last minute decided to paint the holiday placemats on canvas board. I love the Pimpernel (sp?) placemats I used to purchase in England. They were expensive but I loved the sturdiness of them and wanted ours to be similar. The canvas board can be sealed with a clear non-yellowing acrylic sealer and will be perfect for the holidays.
Then I found these great accessories for the placemat at Hobby Lobby of course.
They are Make It Christmas brand felt snowflakes (perfect for a coaster) and tag (perfect for place card).
We painted Nutcrackers. I had seen a nutcracker like this in the Painting Magazine 2001 and saved it because I knew some day I'd paint him.
We painted him on a paper mache gift box.
Holiday Candy/Cookie Jar class ~
Love this project. We painted lollipops, cupcakes,
candy and cookies on our jar that would make a perfect (inexpensive) gift for co workers, teachers and friends.
It can be filled with wrapped or unwrapped candy and
topped with a beautiful ribbon around the top.
Connie & Son
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a fabulous day with my younger sister, brother in law, neice and nephew. It was stress FREE. We purchased a small enough turkey so that we wouldn't have left overs for weeks like usual. I tend to do things LARGE and over the top and usually purchase the largest turkey that I can. We had enough for lunch yesterday and today which is perfect since I'm not much on left overs. Now, it's time to decorate for Christmas. We're going to get the stuff out of the attic today and deck the halls! This is our first Christmas with the puppies so we've rearranged some furniture so that we can put the Christmas tree somewhere they don't usually go - I'm sure that will change when they start exploring to see what it is.

Finally, J & J over at The Bowerbird's Nest
gave me this You Make Me Smile Award. Thank you J & J! So sweet of you. If you've not been to their blog you MUST GO NOW! Truly inspirational and FUN!
I have quite a few awards to pass along that have been given to me over the last couple of months and I've been a naughty blogger and haven't passed them along like I should. I will get right on that Monday a.m.
I didn't hit any of the stores yesterday. Have to admit that it's just not my thing anymore. I do not like the pushing and shoving of holiday shoppers - kinda does something negative to my holiday spirit. I did take my youngest son to see August Rush yesterday and cried and laughed and absolutely LOVED it! I'll warn you it's a bit slow but it does all come together and the music is FABULOUS! A must see movie! If you go and see it let me know what you think.
Have a wonderful weekend. I'll be back on Monday!
I'm still laughing at myself...everytime I saw something new, it was my favorite, they are all so great...but the poinsettia on glass is probably the no, the cornucopia...oh but there was the yummy looking cookie wait the nutcrackers...ok, they are all my favorites...
OHHH, and I forgot to tell you how glad I am that Becks wasn't injured...I don't use tennis balls as toys since my Digby (Olde English Sheepdog) nearly choked to death on 1...thank God for works on dogs too, did you know?
Hi Sandy,
Great pictures as always! And your craft fair loked like fun. And I am so glad you pup was okay. We thought our kitty got out of the house when workers were over yesterday and it gave us quite a scare also. She's 10 years old and doesn't go outside. Turns out she was hiding. Funny how we get attached to these little creatures.
Love the new look it is really nice. Glad the puppy was okay and love all the art work your students did. All just in time for Christmas.
Love ya,
So glad to hear your puppy is okay...glad to hear your open house went well...your stuff is really beautiful!
Have a blessed day!
smiles, kari and kijsa
Hi Sandy, oh poor Becks, that is terrible! We will not be giving our two any more of those rawhide bones after reading your post, we were always worried about just that same thing happening and that has confirmed it for us!! Your students have done some amazing work, they all look so happy too!! We love the Poinsettias and the holiday candy/cookie jars, they are gorgeous! The Mistletoe Market looked fab, as we thought it would be!! Have a lovely weekend :) J & J
I am so glad that Becks is okay. I enjoy seeing everthing you guys painted.
Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to hear that Becks is okay. That sounds like quite a scare. Only little teeny tiny treats for these two! Beautiful projects. I love the cookie jars!
Hi, So glad Becks is alright...Again!...too scary...
All of the paintings are adorable, I can't pick a favorite...
Yay, glad to see you back! There is so much gorgeous-ness in this post! I love it all and it puts me in the holiday spirit!!! What a relief that Becks was okay. (hugs) for you, my friend... I have been watching the Holiday and thinking about our days in England. :) smiles...
That would have scared me tooo!!! A doggy almost choking!!! Your son's being there to see...uggg! I'm glad that everything turned out alright!!!
I know how it is...when you are selling something or give it away and have not taken a picture of it. It will always be there in your memory though.
The photo's that you did take are outstanding! :) Thanks for sharing them with us! I certainly wish that I could come visit, etc. I would be there in a flash if I could. Your students always look sooo happy. :) I'm sure that you are a wonderful teacher. :)
Glad to hear the pup's ok! I've had the same experience with my boxers, it's scarey and yes you don't want them to die in front of kids! Super mom to the rescue :) Your booth looked AWESOME!
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