Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy 18th Birthday Austin

Today our oldest turns 18 years old and as parents we couldn't be more proud of our oldest!
I woke up this morning thinking about the day he arrived and blessed our lives.
 My hubby got up and picked my friend Kristina up at the airport and right as they walked in the door (around 8a.m.) I got up and well....let's just say I was crying down my legs ~ yep, my water broke.
I jumped in the shower not sure if it was my water breaking or my bladder no longer having control over itself and when I got out of the shower the water works continued so I figured it was time to head to the hospital.

It was quite a long day as he just wasn't quite ready to arrive yet. In fact, after potossin (SP?) and waiting all day he arrived just after 5p.m.  We got to bring our 9+ lb baby home a couple of days later and the nursery we had decorated with safari animals was finally complete. 

We couldn't be more proud of what a wonderful young man our oldest has become! He is such a gentle soul. Shy most of the time, but so incredibly witty and funny when you get to know him! Always concerned about the happiness and feelings of others! From an early age and even to now ~ he comes and hugs me and asks how I'm doing. We've always bragged (like parents do ~ especially with your first) about how smart he is and we're so proud of how hard he has worked in school always making A's.
Hard to believe he's about to graduate High School and head off to college ~ thankfully he'll be in the same state and just an hours drive away ~ gonna be hard for me to handle I think but I'm also very exciited for this next stage of his adult life. 

Happy Birthday Austin! We are so proud of you and love you very much!

Hope you have a great day!

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