Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring cleaning leads to
stroll down memory lane

Hubby and I decided that we needed to start going through
every nook and cranny in our house and clean, consolidate,
throw away, save, etc. We started in our boys rooms on Saturday
and went through every drawer, storage containers under the beds and
in closets. We were fortuantely able to give one of my sons friends a huge
bag of clothing (their house almost completely burned down recently due to
a dryer fire).
DH has collected National Geographic magazines since the 1980's and we also
had the collection on CD that my brother in law gave us years ao so he finally
decided that it was time to donate them to the school or library - hopefully they'll
want them all organized and in leather cases separating the months/years.
DH has also been going through all of his military stuff from the AF Academy years
to present so that we can start putting together a shadow box of all his flight suit scarves,
coins, patches, etc. I'll share those pics once we get it nicely displayed.

I started going through some of my stuff yesterday and had such a lovely trip down memory lane. My mother has saved so many things throughout my childhood and I'll share some of those with you over the next couple of days. My boys had such a blast looking through my year books from middle school (especially since two of them are in middle school right now). They have laughed so hard at the late 70's early 80's big hair, glasses and oh the outfits. If I get brave enough I'll share some of those pics with you soon.

My mom saved some of the wrapping paper and cards that were given to her and my dad when I was born in 1967. How sweet are these?! The card that was attached the nursery bed I was in was saved as well and the little bracelet that was attached to my arm showing who I belonged to.

When we were younger and living in California we used to travel at least once a year to DC to visit my grandparents. Along the way we used to stop at STUCKEYS - are those still around?
We'd always have to get something showing which state we were in. Actually, we'd get to the state sign and jump out of the car and go and stand by the sign and my mom took pictures which I'm sure are in an album of hers. We used to get the patches of the states and then window slicks. I had a hard time getting the window slicks out of the little envelopes they were in so I decided that I needed to organize them better ~ so I put them in this fabulous Creative Memories Pic Folio album.

Well, I must get back to all the stuff all over my kitchen table, couches, coffee table, etc. It's just everywhere and I've so enjoyed going through it all and now I've got to decide how I'm going to store it so that we can enjoy these memories more often. I'll be back soon to share more with you.
Have a fabulous MONDAY!


Sugar Bear said...

I was just talking about items from our past that hold such value - perfect post timing!

petrii said...

Wow do we need to do that!! We're kind of kicking around the idea and even kind of started this weekend. So we'll see.
How great it would be to have things from when you were born. What a blessing!! Can't wait to see more.

Have a GREAT day,

Sharon Tomlinson said...

Oh good luck with the project. I need you to tell me how to get rid of all the magazines that I keep. I have been thinking about it so much lately.

Jill said...

Oh - I just love memories like this...and those cards from your birth. I wished I had something to cherish like that...and we were born in the same year....!!! :o)

Unknown said...

Those cards for your birth are so cool. Have fun with your project. I need to get movin on some spring cleaning but just can't seem to get it together. LOL

Alison Gibbs said...

Sounds like agreat trip down Memory Lane

Sandi McBride said...

The know sometimes I live there quite happily...I love your organizational skills. Good for you!

Rosemary said...

It's funny how we forget about stuff that is hidden away. I need to start going through my stuff too.
Thanks for sharing,

Michelle said...

What a wonderful walk down memory lane!!!